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Sherri McCarthy, Jacquelyn Cranney, K. Laurie Dickson, Annie Trapp & Victor Karandashev (Eds.). (2012). Teaching Psychology around the World: Volume 3.Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

McCarthy, S., Karandashev, V., Stevens, M., Thatcher, A., Jaafar, J., Moore, K., Trapp, A., & Brewer, C. (Eds.). (2009). Teaching Psychology around the World: Vol.2. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
McCarthy, S., Newstead, S., Karandashev, V., Prandini, C., Hutz, C., & Gomes, W. (Eds.). (2007). Teaching Psychology around the World. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Other resources containing information on the international aspects of the teaching and training in Psychology


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