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National and international organizations related to the teaching of psychology

United States of America

Society for the Teaching of Psychology (within American Psychological Association -APA)

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology advances understanding of the discipline by promoting excellence in the teaching and learning of psychology. The Society provides resources and services, access to a collaborative community, and opportunities for professional development. The Society also strives to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning, advocate for the needs of teachers of psychology, foster partnerships across academic settings, and increase recognition of the value of the teaching profession.

APA Education Directorate

Provides information for teachers and students of psychology on accreditation, continuing professional education, scholarships, grants, and funding.

APA Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology

The Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP) develops and distributes teaching and advising materials and provides services to teachers of psychology at all levels on behalf of The Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

APA Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS)

The voice of high school psychology teachers within the APA, TOPSS promotes excellence in the teaching of psychological science at the high school level. Teaching Resources

  • Unit lesson plans. Five- to seven-day units that include a procedural timeline, content outline, suggested resources, activities and references.
  • Videos. Use these recorded conference sessions in your classroom or to expand your own knowledge.
  • Online Psychology Laboratory. Offers students opportunities to participate in studies and engage in data analysis
  • For new teachers. Resource manual to help new high school psychology teachers get started, plan lessons and activities, and more.

Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs

The Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs (CCHPTP) promotes the advancement of graduate and postgraduate education and training within the field of clinical health psychology. The member programs strive to educate and train future clinical health psychologists to promote human welfare and to advance the growth of health psychology science and practice. CCHPTP espouses graduate and postdoctoral education and training that produces a clinical health psychologist capable of functioning as a scientific investigator and as a practitioner, consistent with the highest standards of clinical health psychology.

Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs

The Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP) has important functions to represent the interests of counseling psychology and support its members by disseminating training-relevant information and by providing a vehicle to communicate with one another.

Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs - CDSPP

The Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs (CDSPP) is an organization of North American doctoral programs in school psychology. CDSPP’s mission is to foster the advancement of doctoral education in school psychology in all its aspects.

Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology - COGDOP

The Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) is a society constituted of Chairs and Heads of Departments of Psychology or other equivalent administrative units which are authorized to offer graduate degrees in psychology in institutions accredited by their regional accrediting association.

United Kingdom

Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology (DTRP)

The DTRP is a Division within the British Psychological Society designed to further the interests of individuals following careers in teaching and/or researching Psychology. The Division was set up in 1997 and provides benefits for both members and non members. It aims to be the professional home for any psychologist whose principal activities are in research, teaching, or a combination of both. It was formed to address the professional issues which concern that significant proportion of the Society's membership who do not offer direct psychological services to client groups, but undertake academic duties in schools, colleges, universities, and research establishments (or are undergoing training to equip themselves for careers in these settings), and through their work provide and disseminate essential elements of the knowledge base for a range of professions.

Association of Heads of Psychology Departments

The aim of the Association of Heads of Psychology Departments (UK) is to exchange information by meetings and other means, to propose and initiate actions on issues of common interest, particularly those affecting teaching, training, research and administration in academic Departments of Psychology, and also to enhance the standing of the discipline of Psychology.

The Association for the Teaching of Psychology What can the ATP offer you?

- Support and practical help
- ATP Ethics Guidance 2015 – a document giving ethics guidance for student practical research activities
- Advice about professional matters such as gaining QTS
- Outstanding CPD in the form of an annual conference and occasional one-day events.
- Good ideas to help you to deliver ‘outstanding’ lessons
- Advice on issues relating to psychology specifications and the examining process
- A high quality magazine, ‘ATP Today’, three times a year
- Opportunities to work with colleagues and attend events across Europe
- A platform for having your say on issues relating to teaching and learning, including influencing government policy-making
- They are working with all awarding bodies.

Association for Psychology Teachers

For Teachers and Lecturers. APT was developed to help colleagues and students with such questions. It was established in 1995 to provide psychology conferences and learning support for students, teachers and lecturers in psychology in Northern Ireland, UK. Since 2001 APT also runs annual Continuing Professional Development training days for psychology teachers and lecturers. The facilities in the School of Psychology at Queen's University Belfast are used to host the student conference and the annual CPD events.

The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network

Higher Education Academy Psychology Network supports the teaching and learning of psychology across the UK. They promote excellence in the learning, teaching and assessment of Psychology across the full range of curricula and activities relevant to UK Higher Education A core team, based at the University of York, with a partner site at the University of Abertay, works with staff, departments, professional bodies and overseas organisations to develop supportive networks and to improve the learning experience of psychology students in Higher Education.

They aim to:

  • monitor policy development and keep departments informed about changes that impact on the teaching and learning of psychology;
  • inform staff about innovations in teaching, suggest good practice and provide resource lists;
  • build communities of practice by brokering networks to support the sharing of practice and to stimulate developments in academic practice;
  • encourage research into teaching practice and the learning experience and to provide opportunities for publication;
  • support departmental developments in relation to teaching and learning.


Section on the Teaching of Psychology (within Canadian Psychological Association - CPA)

The general aim of the Section on the Teaching of Psychology is to provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and data concerning all aspects of teaching, including methods and styles of teaching, innovative pedagogical techniques, and aspects of student behaviour and evaluation. To this end, each year at CPA the Section offers a teaching-related symposium, paper session or workshop, the ongoing general theme of which has been since 1989, "Improving the teaching of psychology."

The Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs

The Council represents the various university-based psychology programs and psychology internship settings in Canada that train professional psychologists such as clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, and clinical neuropsychologists, as well as other branches of professional psychology. The council is to foster communication among its members related to professional psychology training and promote high standards of training through the development and implementation of policies that are conducive to such standards.


Australian Psychology Educators Network (APEN)

Since 2007, APEN is also the Teaching, Learning & Psychology Interest Group (TLaPIG) of the Australian Psychological Society. The group aims to build upon the knowledge and networks established by a series of recent initiatives supported by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), and its predecessor, the Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC).


  1. To facilitate communication, exchange, and the development of communities of practice among stakeholders in teaching and learning in psychology.
  2. To promote and recognise excellence in the teaching of psychology.
  3. To enhance the learning experiences of students of psychology.
  4. To enable the dissemination of knowledge, resources and innovative approaches to learning and teaching in psychology.
  5. To promote and support scholarly investigation and the evidenced-based development of psychology teaching and learning; and provide forums for the presentation of reports on investigations and developments.
  6. To provide advice to the APS, secondary and tertiary education institutions, government organisations, and other groups on relevant issues, including changes that impact on teaching and learning in psychology.


The Brazilian Association of Psychology Education (ABEP) was established in 1999. Its objectives include: the development of the teaching of psychology, coordinating information and gathering data about the work market, identifying applications of psychology that can contribute to the solution of national issues, and disseminating necessary information for the improvement of undergraduate programs in psychology. The association works to raise funds and manage financial resources for the teaching of psychology and promotes the qualification and continuous education of psychology teachers. ABEP includes programs that promote the exchange of experiences among teachers and students in all the 26 states of Brazil. They make efforts to support the 33 offices of the association in the various regions of the country and exchange knowledge and information, both online and during face to face meetings. ABEP members are psychologists, students and teachers of psychology, as well as other institutional members such as regional councils and universities. Such a diverse body of members brings to the association a particular dynamic: the debates and directions of the teaching of psychology are built from the perspective and interest of the different segments, keeping the focus on strengthening the teaching and the quality of education. The main activities developed by the association are scientific meetings, debates focused on teaching and education, studies and research meetings, production of bibliographic and audiovisual material about themes in psychology. ABEP belongs to the National Forum for Psychology Associations (FENPB) which currently brings together 20 associations. This forum is the place where ABEP establishes most of its partnerships to consolidate actions of interest to psychology. With similar objectives, ABEP belongs to the Latin American Union of Psychology (ULAPSI), which is committed to the construction of a Latin American Psychology.

National Association of Graduate Programs in Psychology ANPEPP Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Psiologia -- National Association of Graduate Programs in Psychology. This Association represents over 70 Graduate Programs in Psychology in Brazil. It has a meeting every two years.


Division of Teachers and Researchers in Psychology (within the Psychological Society of Ireland)

The Division was set up with the principal aim of promoting best practice in teaching and research in psychology by providing a forum for the sharing of knowledge and expertise among psychologists working in research and/or teaching fields. The Division Aims:

  1. To promote best practice in teaching and research in psychology by providing a forum for the sharing of knowledge and expertise among psychologists working in research and/or teaching fields.
  2. To contribute to continuing professional development for psychology teachers and researchers.
  3. To promote and encourage scientific research as it applies to teaching and learning within psychology and to promote the use of scientific methods in psychological research.
  4. To provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of research findings in the areas of psychology teaching and research.
  5. To raise the profile of the role of the teacher and/or researcher in psychology among organisations and individuals and to promote a better understanding of their role and work.
  6. To promote and maintain high ethical and professional standards among teachers and researchers in psychology.
  7. To liaise with relevant bodies, both national and international, in the development and promotion of the goals of the Division.
  8. To represent the views of psychology teachers and researchers within PSI.
  9. To contribute, through PSI, to the development of relevant policy by universities and colleges, government departments and other public bodies.

International associations interested in the issues of psychology teaching

International Union for Psychological Science

The overarching purpose of the IUPsyS is to advance psychology nationally, regionally, and internationally. The overarching principle that guides the IUPsyS in fulfilling its mission is to meet the specific developmental and policy needs of its national constituents and their psychologist representatives. Among its numerous goals is the attainment of excellence in standards for education and training in the practice of scientific and applied psychology.

IUPsyS has proposed to develop or solidify disciplinary standards and guidelines for the education and training of psychologists and for the design of appropriate curricula and effective pedagogies. The 2008 strategic plan calls for the establishment of a web-based global resource portal that will archive international documents, the content of which will comprise information and materials on statutory and other regulatory standards as well as the general state of education and training in psychological science and practice.

The IUPsyS inaugurated the Work Group on Education for Psychologists, whose focus is to develop international standards for education. The ultimate goal of the Work Group is to design and garner support for a world diploma in psychology, analogous to the EuroPsy, but global in scope. Another IUPsyS Work Group on Psychological Science Informing Educational Practice promotes science-informed approaches to instructional methods in psychology and fosters learning in psychology.

European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA)

Since 1990s EFPA had several initiatives in psychology teaching and training. Recent years EFPA initiated EuroPsy as a European standard of education and training which enables individual psychologists to be recognised as having a European-level qualification in psychology. EuroPsy was mainly developed in order to set a quality benchmark of education and practice in psychology, and therefore to protect the public, and to improve mobility for psychologists between countries in Europe. EuroPsy embodies a set of standards of education and training for professional psychologists.

International Council of Psychologists ICP is committed to furthering world peace, promoting human rights and promoting collaboration among mental health professionals and social scientists, globally.

APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology

APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology holds useful resource for international teaching of psychology in terms of information and funding.

APA Division of International Psychology

There is Curriculum and Training Committee within this APADivision. A central goal of the Committee is to encourage and support internationalization of the psychology curriculum.

The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL)

The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL) serves faculty members, staff, and students who care about teaching and learning as serious intellectual work. The goal of the Society is to foster inquiry and disseminate findings about what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching.