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On-line development psychology course materials, video and audio resources

Developmental Psychology.Org The teaching resources were created by those who teach Developmental Psychology or a related topic. Every resource is designed to help instructors make their classes as engaging and thought provoking as possible. Some resources are class activities, summaries, figures, hour-long lesson plans, and snippets to augment longer lesson plans. You may also consider submitting your best teaching ideas.

Learning & Teaching Developmental Psychology: Study psychological research and theory about children's social and cognitive development with resources like lesson plans, classroom activities, and web links.

The following teaching resources were created by those who teach Developmental Psychology or a related topic. Every resource is designed to help instructors make their classes as engaging and thought provoking as possible. Some resources are class activities, summaries, figures, hour-long lesson plans, and snippets to augment longer lesson plans.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has on-line course materials for Developmental Psychology in the section of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

Seasons of Life is a series of instructional video in developmental psychology for college and high school students; 5 one-hour video programs and 26 half-hour audio programs. The programs are an introduction to developmental psychology from conception through old age. The series explores the biological, psychological, and social "clocks" of life-span. Psychologists, sociologists, biologists, and anthropologists present theory, methods, and research. Real individuals from diverse backgrounds talk about the significant events in their lives.

Growing Old in a New Age is a series of 13 one-hour video programs on aging for college and high school students. The programs show the impact of aging on both society and individuals as diverse elders relate their experiences. The four ways that age is measured — chronologically, biologically, psychologically, and socially — are the basis for discussing the quality of life in later years. The programs examine common misconceptions about aging and provides a springboard for analyzing new roles for elders, intergenerational alliances, resource allocation, and artificial attempts to prolong life.

Death: A Personal Understanding is a series of 10 half-hour video programs on death and dying for college and high school students. The programs give a greater understanding of death and dying through case studies and moving personal stories of people facing their own death or the death of a loved one. The programs explore a wide range of North American cultural perspectives on death within the context of current issues, including AIDS, death by violence, suicide, assisted suicide, hospice care, end-of-life decision making, and how children react to death.

Developmental Psychology at Films on Demand: Digital Educational Video: Films On Demand is the web-based digital video delivery service that allows to view streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7. More than 5,500 educational titles in various subject areas. They have 144 films on Developmental Psychology (by September 11, 2010).

Films On Demand delivers high-quality digital video for students and faculty through online catalogs, distance learning courses and learning management systems. The films are available in full or by short segments. Special features allow users the ability to organize and bookmark clips, share playlists, personalize folders and manage the entire collection through an administrative reporting system.

PsychSim 5.0, developed by Thomas Ludwig, is a set of web-based interactive tutorials on various topics of Psychology. Those related to Developmental Psychology are:

Cognitive Development

This activity describes Piaget’s theory of the growth of intelligence and simulates the performance of three children of different ages on some of Piaget’s tasks.

Conception To Birth

This activity helps understand the sequence of prenatal development.

Who am I?

This activity helps understand Erik Erikson’s perspective on identity formation, as well as James Marcia’s four steps or stages in the identity process.

Signs of Aging

This activity explores the main aspects of physical aging.