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Economic Psychology Resources

The Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy provides publications, events, funding opportunities and other resources to support university teachers of economics.

The Economic and Business Education Association (EBEA) represents teachers and lecturers of economics, business studies and related subjects in schools and colleges in the UK. Particularly helpful are the BizEd pages: Business Education on the Internet. A free service linking students, teachers, industry and information providers.

AEAweb - the guide is sponsored by the American Economic Association. It lists more than 2,000 resources in 97 sections and sub-sections available on the Internet of interest to academic and practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all resources are also described. Among the interesting sections to teachers are - Teaching Resources with subcategories (1) Books, Textbooks, and On-Line Notes, (2) Research and Support, (3) Tutorials, Exercises, and Subject Guides, (4) Classroom experiments, (5) Distance learning, (6) Guides for grad students, (7) Guides for undergrad students and the general public (8) Syllabi, (9) Teaching ideas, videos and Dictionaries, Glossaries, & Encyclopedias

The Economic Science Association is a professional organization devoted to using controlled experiments to learn about economic behavior. The ESA welcomes participation by economists interested in the results of such experiments, as well as scholars in psychology, business, political science, and other related fields. The ESA publishes a journal, Experimental Economics, sponsors conferences, and maintains online discussion groups for its members.

IDEAS RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a service providing information about working papers to the economics profession. It is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Over 750'000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 600'000 can be downloaded in full text.

EconPapers. Electronic papers in economics. EconPapers provides access to RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software. They have for a total of 760,658 searchable working papers, articles and software items with 646,994 items available on-line.

The International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) - the meeting point for all those interested in the areas where psychology and economics intersect. It has a wide international membership, drawn from psychologists and economics, but also from specialists in business administration, marketing and consumer behaviour. The Association's members include both academics and practitioners, and students are always encouraged to take part in their activities. Among other activities, which can be especially useful for teachers of economic psychology, are (1) Sponsoring the Journal of Economic Psychology; (2) Publishing and distributing a regular Newsletter giving news of members and of their research activities; (3) Supporting graduate Summer Schools in economic psychology; (4) Supporting Workshops on special topics in economic psychology.

The International Society for Business Education ISBE offers a variety of resources for teachers and students to advance their understanding of strategies and methods needed to succeed in this very complex environment. Student and teacher scholarships, international networking opportunities, informational publications, and a wonderful yearly conference all are geared to helping the classroom teacher bring relevance to their course offerings.

The U.S. National Business Education Association (NBEA) is the nation's largest professional organization devoted exclusively to serving individuals and groups engaged in instruction, administration, research, and dissemination of information for and about business. NBEA serves as a unifying agency among other groups dedicated to advancing and improving business education. NBEA gives business educators an opportunity to stay on top of the changing skills required in today's business world through its linkages with corporations and small businesses.

The Best Economics and Economic Psychology Resources for College Professors Both teaching and studying economics and economic psychology can prove to be a simultaneously challenging, rewarding, complex, and daunting task. College professors are faced with the responsibility of employing a learning strategy that is compatible with their mode of instruction as well as their students' learning capacities. The web site is designed to highlight and explore the most useful and innovative economics resources available for college professors. Explore the web site to find insightful tactics and other information to be employed in your classroom, office, or other learning environments!