Inter TOP

On-line abnormal and clinical psychology course materials, video and audio resources

Stress Management Resources: Differential Diagnosis in Psychiatry series

A series of videos - each of which is a self-contained unit - giving an overview of the classes of mental illness. The aim is to help students to diagnose using the ICD 10 classification system. Characteristics and features of certain diagnoses are highlighted using actors and comprehensive on-screen graphics. The final programme presents four case studies (aged 22 - 30 years) of interviews showing anxiety disorders, persecution, delusions and agorophobia. Produced between 1995 – 7

Questia. Read full-text books and articles on: Teaching Abnormal Psychology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has on-line course materials for Abnormal and Clinical Psychology in the section of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

The World of Abnormal Psychology is a series of 13 one-hour video programs for college and high school students.

Case studies, enriched with commentary from experts, help demystify the biological, psychological, and environmental causes of dysfunctional behavior. The videos explores current theory and practice in the treatment of the mentally ill and covers the multiple approaches that prevail in the field today.

Abnormal Psychology at Films on Demand: Digital Educational Video

Films On Demand is the web-based digital video delivery service that allows to view streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7. More than 5,500 educational titles in various subject areas. They have 282 films on Abnormal Psychology (by September 11, 2010).

Films On Demand delivers high-quality digital video for students and faculty through online catalogs, distance learning courses and learning management systems. The films are available in full or by short segments. Special features allow users the ability to organize and bookmark clips, share playlists, personalize folders and manage the entire collection through an administrative reporting system.