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Educational Psychology Resource

Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching, Effective Learning by Elliott, Kratochwill, Littlefield Cook & Travers

Online Videos

Video 1: Educational Psychology and Fundamental Principles of Learning

Video 2: Cognitive Development and Learning

Video 3: Psychological and Moral Growth and the Learning Process

Video 4: Classroom Strategies Responsive to Diverse Students and Reflecting Diverse Backgrounds

Video 5: Diversity in Today's Schools

Video 6: Teaching and Technology

Video 7: Learning Theories and Practice

Video 8: Examining Multiple Viewpoints and Broadening Learners' Perspectives

Video 9: Motivation in the Classroom

Video 10: Classroom Management, Discipline, and Related Topics

Video 11: Student Assessment and Testing

Video 12: Equality or Inequality of Opportunity? Realizing One's Full Learning Potential

Video 13: Building on Students' Prior Knowledge and Culture