Inter TOP

Emotion teaching resources

International Society for Research on Emotion maintains the website which offer a variety of teaching resources that are open to the public: (1) course syllabi posted by instructors, (2) course materials, (3) information about graduate schools devoted to research of emotions.

Teaching Humor

Numerous courses on humor research are taught at various academic institutions. There is also an annual International Humor Studies Seminar (endorsed by the ISHS) and journal papers on teaching of humor as an academic subject.

Teaching humor-I: Courses at universities

Links to web-sites containing information (i.e., course syllabus, selected readings, etc.) on courses held on humor and laughter

Teaching humor-II: Summer schools

International Humor Studies Seminar at University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma, USA.

1st International Humor Studies Seminar: July 1996 (Faculty: Don Nilsen & Willibald Ruch)

2nd International Humor Studies Seminar: July 1997 (Faculty: William Fry & Rod Martin)

3nd International Humor Studies Seminar (link extinct): July 1998 (Faculty: Elliott Oring & Amy Carrell on Humor Studies; Michael Titze & Waleed Salameh on Humor and Health)

4th International Humor Studies Seminar (linc extinct) June 21 - 26, 1999 (Faculty: Rod A. Martin & Amy Carrell) The Humour Lab, a Summer Course (August 6-14, 2001) organized by Sibe Doosje, M.Sc.

International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications

Teaching humor-III: Humor literature on the net

Humor Databases

Individual articles and reports

Humor material and demonstrations

Teaching humor-IV: Reflections and a survey

Endlich, E. (1993). Teaching the psychology of humor. Teaching of Psychology, 20, 181-183. (Reference to teaching the psychology of humor) Wycoff, E.B. (1999). Humor in the academy: An international survey of humor instruction. HUMOR, 12, 427-456.